Birmingham Road, Pathlow
Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 0EP

069-006-0103K DBS 6 Thermostat & Flange Kit, makes the cooling system work correctly

  • Manufacturers Part No: 069-006-0103 kit
  • Manufacturers Description: Thermostat kit
  • Our Price includes VAT @: 20%
  • Actual Price: £125.00


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DBS 6 steel bypass flange, modern replacement thermostat & gaskets to fit the kit, bolts to square thermostat housing on 'front of engine side', hose outlet connects to water pump bypass. No part number listed, Not for Later DBS that has the plate without the hose outlet or a blanked off bypass on the pump & plate. Flange is Finished in Gloss Black.

Exclusive to Four Ashes

Comes with thermostat, square & diamond gaskets

Choice of thermostats AML Part no 069-006-0104 in 75°c, 82°c & 88°c, this is the thermostat that should be used.

Rough Description of how the bypass system works

A thermostat is placed between the engine and the radiator to make sure that the coolant stays above a certain preset temperature.  As the engine warms up the coolant will be below the thermostat temperature, the thermostat blocks the coolant flow to the radiator, forcing the coolant instead through a bypass directly back to the engine via the water pump, this has the effect of quickly raising the temperature to or back to the thermostat set temperature.  The coolant will continue to circulate like this until it reaches the design temperature, at which point, the thermostat will open a valve and allow 95% of the coolant back through the radiator.

If the thermostat supplied by Heritage dealers or other specialists is fitted most of the coolant will flow through the bypass, leaving very little coolant flowing through the radiator.

So in effect it makes the cooling system more efficient, helps stop overheating & makes for quicker warmup.

Email us on sales@fourashesgarage.co.uk, dont use the quick enquiry form !