Birmingham Road, Pathlow
Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 0EP
Birmingham Road, Pathlow
Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 0EP
DB2 to MkII Crankshaft rear oil seal fitted to modified flywheel housing, requires modifications to flywheel. new machine Introduced in 2005, the last batch was made in 2012, it is now CNC machined for greater accuracy, of course the greater accuracy comes at a higher price
Supplied with adaptor to fit over standard style crank.
Sold as kit, - KIT1, Strictly exchange (your old flywheel & housing returned to us - surcharge applicable until parts returned) using modified / machined flywheel housing with instructions. NOT SERVICED ANY LONGER
or KIT2, New flywheel housing, seal & adaptor, this is our best kit with little chance of any oil leaks £725 + VAT
or KIT3, Just crank adaptor without instructions, £70 + VAT
For overseas customers it may be better to buy a new flywheel housing & seal kit then put your old housing on ebay.
As supplied to other Feltham specialists, also copied by some other Feltham Specialists